UI / UX Design - IT Edge

UI/UX Design

IT Edge offers the greatest UI/UX development training course available, which will help you summarize and demonstrate all phases of the UI/UX development process, from user research to establishing a project’s strategy, scope, and information architecture to creating sitemaps and wireframes.
Things you will learn :
  • The UI/UX Design Specialization approaches user interface and user experience design from a design-centric perspective.
  • We offer hands-on, skill-based training that focuses on visual communications rather than just marketing or programming.
  • You’ll learn about contemporary UX design conventions and best practices.
  • Recognize how to apply them to build interesting and successful screen-based interactions for websites and applications.
  • The skills you’ll learn in this specialization may be applied to a variety of jobs, including as marketing, web design, and human-computer interaction.

Key Features of our ui-ux Design

  • User-Centered Approach: Highlight that your website content follows a user-centered design philosophy, ensuring that it is intuitive, easy to navigate, and meets the needs and preferences of your target audience.
  • Case Studies and Projects: Showcase real-world case studies and design projects that demonstrate your expertise in Ui-UX design. Highlight the challenges you’ve addressed and the successful outcomes you’ve achieved for clients.
  • Educational Resources: Offer valuable resources such as articles, blog posts, and videos that provide insights into Ui-UX design trends, best practices, and tips. This demonstrates your authority in the field and offers visitors useful information.
  • Expert Team: Introduce your team of experienced Ui-UX designers and instructors. Provide brief profiles that highlight their expertise, qualifications, and contributions to the field.
  • Industry Recognition: If you have received any awards, certifications, or recognition in the Ui-UX design field, prominently display them to enhance your credibility
  • Workshops and Events: If applicable, promote any upcoming workshops, webinars, or events related to Ui-UX design that you are organizing or participating in. This can attract professionals and enthusiasts looking to learn and network.

Terms and Conditions:


Please read the following Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) carefully before enrolling in any courses at IT Edge Institute:

Enrollment Confirmation: By enrolling in a course at IT Edge Institute, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions.

Course Fees: The course fees are non-refundable and non-transferable under any circumstances. Please ensure that you are committed to the course before making payment.

Batch or Course Change: Requests for batch or course changes are strictly not allowed. Once you have enrolled in a specific batch or course, you are expected to continue with the same throughout the duration.

Corporate-Level Training: IT Edge Institute is renowned for providing corporate-level training. Our courses are designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge required to thrive in the corporate environment.

Training Delivery: We are committed to delivering training according to the specified curriculum. Our experienced trainers ensure that the course content is covered comprehensively, enabling you to gain a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Interview Opportunities: As part of our commitment to your career growth, we strive to provide interview opportunities by connecting candidates with various job portals. However, please note that we do not guarantee job placements or interview calls.

All Rights Reserved: All rights are reserved to IT Edge Institute Corporate Training Center. The IT Edge Institute name, logo, and associated intellectual property are protected and cannot be used without prior written consent.

Limitation of Liability: IT Edge Institute shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising from your enrollment or participation in the course, including but not limited to loss of data, loss of profits, or personal injury.

If you have any queries or doubts regarding payment or any other aspect of the Terms and Conditions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Our team will be happy to assist you.

Thank you for choosing IT Edge Institute as your learning partner. We are excited to provide you with top-notch training and support on your career journey.

Course Details

UI / UX Design

100% Placement Guarantee

Fees : 49999 Rs

Fees Structure –
1st Installment – 20000
2nd Installment – 15000
3rd Installment – 15000

Duration – 4 Months
Mode : Online/ Offline