AWS / DevOps - IT Edge



AWS/DevOps refers to the combination of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and DevOps practices. It represents the integration of AWS cloud computing services with DevOps methodologies to streamline software development, deployment, and operations processes.

AWS is a cloud computing platform provided by Amazon that offers a wide range of services and resources for building, deploying, and managing applications in the cloud. It provides scalable infrastructure, storage options, databases, networking capabilities, security features, and more.

DevOps, on the other hand, is a set of practices that aims to bridge the gap between software development and IT operations. It promotes collaboration, communication, and automation across teams involved in the software development lifecycle to enable faster and more reliable software delivery.


Why AWS?

  • Broad and Robust Service Offering: AWS offers a vast array of services and solutions, including computing power, storage, databases, analytics, machine learning, and more. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools and services to meet various business needs and enables organizations to scale their applications and infrastructure quickly.
  • Scalability and Elasticity: AWS provides the ability to scale resources up or down based on demand. This scalability allows businesses to handle traffic spikes, accommodate growth, and optimize costs by paying only for the resources they use.
  • Reliability and High Availability: AWS operates on a global infrastructure with multiple data centers, ensuring high availability and redundancy. It offers service-level agreements (SLAs) and provides built-in features for fault tolerance, data replication, and disaster recovery.
  • Security and Compliance: AWS has comprehensive security measures in place to protect customer data. It provides advanced security services, encryption options, access controls, and compliance certifications to meet stringent security and regulatory requirements.
  • Integration and Ecosystem: AWS integrates well with a wide range of third-party tools and services. It has a vast ecosystem of partners and a vibrant community, offering pre-built solutions, APIs, SDKs, and support resources to facilitate integration and development.


Why DevOps?

  • Collaboration and Communication: DevOps promotes collaboration and communication among development, operations, and other stakeholders involved in the software development lifecycle. It breaks down silos and fosters a culture of shared responsibility, enabling teams to work together efficiently.
  • Continuous Delivery and Deployment: DevOps emphasizes automating and streamlining the software delivery process. It enables organizations to release software frequently, reliably, and with reduced risk through practices such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment.
  • Agility and Faster Time to Market: DevOps practices help organizations respond quickly to market demands and customer feedback. By automating manual tasks, reducing deployment time, and increasing efficiency, DevOps enables faster development cycles and accelerated time to market.
  • Improved Quality and Reliability: DevOps incorporates practices such as continuous testing, infrastructure as code, and monitoring, resulting in improved software quality and reliability. It helps identify and address issues early in the development process, reducing defects and enhancing overall product stability.
  • Efficiency and Cost Optimization: DevOps practices optimize resource utilization, reduce waste, and improve operational efficiency. By automating processes and ensuring consistent environments, organizations can optimize costs, minimize downtime, and maximize return on investment.


Why AWS and DevOps?

Combining AWS and DevOps offers several advantages:

  • Scalable and Agile Infrastructure: AWS provides a flexible and scalable infrastructure that aligns well with the dynamic nature of DevOps practices. It enables organizations to easily provision resources, automate deployments, and scale applications as needed, supporting the agile and iterative development approach of DevOps.
  • Rich Tooling and Integration: AWS offers a broad range of services and tools that align with DevOps principles. These include automation tools, CI/CD services, monitoring solutions, and infrastructure management capabilities, which seamlessly integrate with DevOps practices and enable end-to-end automation.
  • End-to-End Visibility and Control: AWS provides robust monitoring and observability capabilities, allowing DevOps teams to gain comprehensive insights into application performance, resource utilization, and operational metrics. This visibility enables quick detection and resolution of issues, improving the overall reliability and user experience.
  • Security and Compliance: AWS has extensive security features and compliance certifications, which align with the security-focused approach of DevOps. Organizations can leverage AWS security services and best practices to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their applications and data.
  • Collaboration and Efficiency: AWS services and DevOps practices promote collaboration and streamline workflows among development, operations, and other teams. The combination of AWS and DevOps enables efficient communication, reduces manual intervention, and fosters a culture of shared responsibility and continuous improvement.


Course Syllabus:


Module 1: Introduction to AWS/DevOps

  • Understanding the fundamentals of AWS/DevOps
  • Importance of DevOps in modern IT organizations
  • Overview of the course objectives and structure


Module 2: Basics of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)

  • Introduction to the SDLC phases
  • Waterfall vs. Agile methodologies
  • Understanding the role of DevOps in the SDLC


Module 3: Team Structure in IT and Roles and Responsibilities of Various Teams

  • Different teams involved in the software development process (development, operations, testing, etc.)
  • Responsibilities and collaboration among different teams
  • Importance of cross-functional teams in DevOps


Module 4: Agile and DevOps

  • Introduction to Agile principles and methodologies
  • Integration of Agile and DevOps practices
  • Agile project management tools and techniques


Module 5: DevOps Roles and Responsibilities

  • Understanding the roles and responsibilities of DevOps engineers, administrators, and managers
  • Collaborative work practices and effective communication in DevOps teams


Module 6: Basic Linux and Shell Scripting

  • Introduction to Linux operating system
  • Linux command line basics and shell scripting fundamentals
  • Automation and scripting techniques for DevOps tasks


Module 7: Basics of Cloud Computing

  • What is cloud computing and its advantages
  • Different cloud deployment models (public, private, hybrid)
  • Overview of cloud service models (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS)


Module 8: AWS Introduction

  • Introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Understanding the key concepts and terminology of AWS
  • Overview of AWS global infrastructure and services


Module 9: EC2 – Elastic Compute Cloud

  • Introduction to EC2 instances and instance types
  • Creating and managing EC2 instances
  • Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes and snapshots


Module 10: VPC – Virtual Private Cloud

  • Understanding VPC and its components
  • Subnetting and networking in VPC
  • Security groups, network ACLs, and route tables

Module 11: S3 – Simple Storage Service

  • Overview of Amazon S3 and its features
  • Creating and managing S3 buckets
  • Understanding S3 storage classes and data lifecycle management


Module 12: IAM – Identity and Access Management

  • Introduction to IAM and its role in AWS security
  • Creating IAM users, groups, and roles
  • Configuring access policies and permissions


Module 13: Monitoring of Resources using CloudWatch

  • Overview of AWS CloudWatch service
  • Monitoring EC2 instances, S3 buckets, and other AWS resources
  • Creating alarms and configuring notifications


Module 14: Relational Database Service

  • Introduction to RDS and its benefits
  • Deploying and managing RDS database instances
  • Multi-AZ deployments and read replicas


Module 15: DevOps Tools – Git

  • Introduction to source code management with Git
  • Git architecture and workflow
  • Collaborative development with Git and GitHub


Module 16: Maven – Build Tool

  • Understanding Maven and its role in the build process
  • Managing dependencies and creating builds with Maven
  • Introduction to Maven plugins and lifecycle


Module 17: Jenkins

  • Overview of Jenkins and its features
  • Installing and configuring Jenkins
  • Creating and managing Jenkins jobs and pipelines


Module 18: Docker

  • Introduction to Docker and containerization
  • Docker architecture and components
  • Building and managing Docker containers


Module 19: Ansible

  • Introduction to Ansible and its use in automation
  • Ad-hoc commands and playbooks in Ansible
  • Managing inventory and variables in Ansible


Module 20: Terraform

  • Introduction to Terraform and infrastructure as code (IaC)
  • Terraform providers and resources
  • Managing infrastructure with Terraform


Module 21: JIRA Basics for DevOps

  • Introduction to JIRA and its role in project management
  • Creating and managing issues in JIRA
  • Using JIRA boards for Agile project tracking

Note: The syllabus is provided as a guideline and can be customized according to the specific requirements and time constraints of the course. Additional topics or adjustments can be made to accommodate the needs of the participants.


What is AWS/DevOps where it will be used?

AWS/DevOps is a combination of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and DevOps practices. It refers to utilizing AWS services and infrastructure in conjunction with DevOps methodologies to streamline software development, deployment, and operations.


AWS/DevOps is commonly used in various industries and organizations that aim to:

Develop and deploy scalable applications: AWS provides a highly scalable and elastic infrastructure that can accommodate varying workloads. DevOps practices help automate the deployment and scaling of applications, ensuring efficient resource utilization and rapid response to changing demands.


Achieve faster time to market: By combining AWS’s cloud services and DevOps practices, organizations can speed up the software development lifecycle, allowing them to deliver new features and updates to customers more quickly and regularly.


Enhance collaboration and communication: DevOps encourages collaboration and cross-functional communication among development, operations, and other teams. AWS/DevOps fosters a culture of shared responsibility, improving coordination and teamwork across different roles and functions.


Improve software quality and reliability: AWS/DevOps facilitates continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment (CI/CD), enabling organizations to automate and streamline the software release process. This leads to improved code quality, reduced errors, and increased reliability.


Optimize resource utilization and cost efficiency: AWS offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, allowing organizations to use resources efficiently and optimize costs. DevOps practices help automate provisioning, manage infrastructure as code, and optimize resource usage, resulting in cost savings.


Why our institute for learning AWS/DevOps course?

Regarding why choose your institute for learning AWS/DevOps, consider the following:

Experienced Instructors: Your institute has experienced instructors who are knowledgeable in AWS and DevOps practices. They can provide valuable insights, guidance, and hands-on training to help you understand and implement AWS/DevOps effectively.

Comprehensive Curriculum: The institute offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers essential topics in AWS, DevOps, and their integration. The syllabus includes theoretical concepts, practical exercises, and real-world use cases to ensure a holistic learning experience.

Hands-on Training: Your institute emphasizes hands-on training and provides access to AWS resources and tools for practical exercises. This approach allows you to gain practical experience in working with AWS services and implementing DevOps practices.

Customization and Flexibility: The institute offers the flexibility to customize the course based on your specific needs and goals. They can adjust the syllabus, duration, and learning resources to cater to your requirements, ensuring that you receive tailored training.

Support and Resources: Your institute provides ongoing support, including access to learning materials, documentation, and community forums. This support system can assist you in overcoming challenges and staying updated with the latest trends and advancements in AWS/DevOps.

By choosing your institute for learning AWS/DevOps, you can benefit from expert guidance, hands-on experience, and a comprehensive curriculum, enabling you to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the AWS/DevOps domain.


Key Features of Our AWS/DevOps Course:

Comprehensive Curriculum: Our AWS/DevOps course covers a wide range of topics, starting from the basics of AWS and DevOps to advanced concepts and tools. The curriculum is designed to provide a holistic understanding of AWS/DevOps practices and their implementation.

Hands-on Approach: We emphasize a hands-on approach to learning. Throughout the course, you will engage in practical exercises, real-world scenarios, and hands-on projects to apply the concepts and tools covered. This approach ensures that you gain practical experience and develop the necessary skills.

Experienced Instructors: Our course instructors are experienced professionals with expertise in AWS and DevOps. They possess real-world industry knowledge and can provide valuable insights, best practices, and guidance throughout the course.

Real-world Use Cases: We incorporate real-world use cases and scenarios to illustrate how AWS and DevOps practices are applied in different industries and organizations. This helps you understand the practical applications and benefits of AWS/DevOps in real-world settings.

Industry-Relevant Tools and Technologies: Our course covers a wide range of industry-relevant tools and technologies used in AWS/DevOps, such as AWS services (EC2, S3, RDS, etc.), Git, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, and more. You will gain hands-on experience with these tools to build practical skills.

Interactive Learning Environment: We foster an interactive learning environment, encouraging active participation, discussions, and collaboration among learners. This enables you to exchange ideas, share experiences, and learn from your peers.

Flexible Learning Options: We offer flexible learning options to suit your needs. You can choose from in-person classes, online instructor-led sessions, or self-paced learning, depending on your preferences and availability.

Certification Preparation: Our course prepares you for AWS certifications related to DevOps, such as AWS Certified DevOps Engineer – Professional. We provide guidance, practice exams, and resources to help you prepare and succeed in obtaining your certification.

Continuous Support: We provide continuous support throughout the course and beyond. Our instructors and support team are available to address your queries, provide clarifications, and offer guidance even after the completion of the course.

Career Guidance: We offer career guidance and insights into the job market trends and opportunities in the field of AWS/DevOps. We provide valuable tips, resume building assistance, and interview preparation to help you kickstart or advance your career in this domain.


Note: The specific features of our AWS/DevOps course may vary. We continuously update our course offerings to align with industry trends and best practices, ensuring that you receive high-quality and up-to-date training.


Terms and Conditions: 

Please read the following Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) carefully before enrolling in any courses at IT Edge Institute:

Enrollment Confirmation: By enrolling in a course at IT Edge Institute, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions.

Course Fees: The course fees are non-refundable and non-transferable under any circumstances. Please ensure that you are committed to the course before making payment.

Batch or Course Change: Requests for batch or course changes are strictly not allowed. Once you have enrolled in a specific batch or course, you are expected to continue with the same throughout the duration.

Corporate-Level Training: IT Edge Institute is renowned for providing corporate-level training. Our courses are designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge required to thrive in the corporate environment.

Training Delivery: We are committed to delivering training according to the specified curriculum. Our experienced trainers ensure that the course content is covered comprehensively, enabling you to gain a deep understanding of the subject matter.

Interview Opportunities: As part of our commitment to your career growth, we strive to provide interview opportunities by connecting candidates with various job portals. However, please note that we do not guarantee job placements or interview calls.

All Rights Reserved: All rights are reserved to IT Edge Institute Corporate Training Center. The IT Edge Institute name, logo, and associated intellectual property are protected and cannot be used without prior written consent.

Limitation of Liability: IT Edge Institute shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising from your enrollment or participation in the course, including but not limited to loss of data, loss of profits, or personal injury.

If you have any queries or doubts regarding payment or any other aspect of the Terms and Conditions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Our team will be happy to assist you.

Thank you for choosing IT Edge Institute as your learning partner. We are excited to provide you with top-notch training and support on your career journey.


Course Details

AWS / DevOps

100% Placement Guarantee

Fees : 49999 Rs

Fees Structure –
1st Installment – 20000
2nd Installment – 15000
3rd Installment – 15000

Duration – 4 Months
Mode : Online/ Offline